How to take an order


Before you start taking orders, it’s important to note that all orders must be taken in person. Currently, we cannot support online ordering.

Step One

To open a new order click on the "+" button on the top right. Or you can click on a table to open a new order directly on it.                           

Step Two

To add products, simply click on them. (They can be of the same or different category.) You’ll see how they've been added to the right side of the screen.                               

Step Three

You can go directly to the payment screen by clicking on the blue Pay button on the bottom right-hand side of the screen. Or send and print the preparation note to the printer by clicking on the green Send button on the bottom right. 

Step Four

If you want to open another order and leave this one in progress, just click on the home button on the top left (the one with 4 little squares). 

How to make a payment

Step One

Once you have the order(s) ready in the cart, click on Pay button on the bottom right. 

Step Two

Ask your customer to check in on the customer facing, Pegasus device before you select the payment methods. Your customer can check in by entering their phone number or Insert or tab their card. 

Step Three

After your customer selects a discount they desire, you will receive a notification on your screen. Click Accept button to accept the discount, or Reject button to reject the discount.  

Step Four

If you decide to accept the discount, click on the Discount button on the bottom right. If you have the discount ready in your cart, simply click on Apply a discount button. If you don’t have the discount ready and need to manual entry, click on the % or $ icon, manual entry the discount, fill in the Reason section, and click Apply discount button

Step Five

Select the payment method Cash or Credit on the top right and confirm the order total with your customer. If your customer wishes to split the payment, you can do so by clicking Split Check and confirm the items you wish to separate.

Press Enter to create the separate check then close each check out individually. 

How to add an off-menu product to an order

If you need to add a product to an order that’s not included on your menu, you can create a new product at the time of ordering. Keep in mind that the added product will only be saved to the order selected. 

Step One

On the upper right-hand side of the Ordering Screen, click the small round icon with the arrow inside. Then choose Select > Create a product. 

Step Two

Fill in the necessary information about the off-menu product and choose Add to save it.

How to add a comment on a product

Adding a comment to a product can be done in a few easy steps.

Step One

Navigate to the Ordering Screen, then click on the product you want to add a comment to.  

Step Two

A pop-up window will prompt you to write your comment. Then click Edit to save it. When you send the order to the kitchen the comment will be visible on the printed ticket.

How to quickly search for a product

Step One

Go to the SumUp App. Now when you open a new order, a search button will appear in the upper left-hand corner.